Here you will find our current list of underlying assets which are available for CFD trading. For each underlying asset you will find the usual applicable spread, the rollover for short and long positions, as well as the margin requirement. In addition, the applicable trading hours for each asset are listed.

“Please note that our spreads can vary depending on the Account Type you choose to trade with.”

While the Forex market is open five days a week, 24 hours a day, different CFD instruments such as indices and shares are available only while their corresponding Stock Exchanges are open. The table below shows the open market hours for all our tradable products. It is important to note that the server time of our terminals is EET (Eastern European Time /UTC+02:00).
Note: Trading times are in GMT+2

Note: Trading times are in GMT+2

Note: Trading times are in GMT+2

Note: Trading times are in GMT+2

Note: Trading times are in GMT+2

*Zero margin requirements for opening a hedged position provided free margin is positive (Margin Level > 100%)

*The Company reserves the right to amend the swap values of a specific client in case of any suspicion of trading abuse

*Swaps are changed in Triple size for Wednesday rollover

*Averages Spreads are based on previous trading day values